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Crafty Wonderland was rad

Last weekend was magic. Crafty Wonderland exceeded everyone’s expectations, including mine and I had none, for this was my very first big art show. I feel proud of what I have accomplished and feel- nay, KNOW- things are finally happening. I MADE them happen.

Thank you Crafty Wonderland team. You’re totally the best team EVERS.

Thank you to all my lovelies who stopped by to say hellos. I love hellos. Thank you, miss Amy Olson Extraordinaire, for being the best booth neighbor and a darling friend. Thanks to my Den, who built my display, carried my display into the main room and even surprise visited me on Sunday (seriously, you’re awesome). Thanks to Brittany, the best side-kick ever. Thank you Smucks for lending your lovely handwriting when I ran out of business cards.  Thank you Carl the Mailman, for the soda. Thank you Katie Daisy for the lovely postcard (omg). Thank you mami for the support four thousand miles away.

And thank you, all you happy people who chose to support us local, independent artists, talked to us, complimented our work and befriended us. The mood among all 200+ vendors was invigorating and so uplifting. Despite the long, exhausting hours each and every one of us dedicated in producing our booths, we all shined extra bright.

We’re gonna be all right, y’all.





p.s. I am in need of a LOT of ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZzzzzZZZZzzzZZZZs, though.

General Blankets Picard

Mrrrreow. It’s cold in the Female Human’s apartment. I must cover up with all these warm blankets in order to plan my escape from her grasp.

After I am done with this nap, of course.

Sarah & James

Sarah and I have been online friends since…I don’t know, ancient times known as the early ’00s. We bonded over our mutual love of CSI Las Vegas’ Gil Grissom. Fate decided we needed to live only 5 hours apart, but different countries. She met “Jim Jam” a few years ago and now they will up and get “the marrieds” next August in BC. We invaded the AWESOME Seattle Center Library (because it was pouring outside- who knew?)  and took photos of their love.

I love Sarah, she is an inspiration and has been an amazing friend over the years . She is also to blame for me ruining several articles of clothing from laughing so hard at her superior comedy skills. You should visit her website because she’s also pretty darn talented.

Sarah, I can’t wait for your magical wedding of magic… and Gil Grissom. I promise he will come. Promise.

(Could you stop being so beautiful? You’re making the rest of us look bad.)

Dear New England

Dearest New England, you make love seem cozy and calm, but also as vibrant as the Ocean that breathes you life.

How was your weekend? I went to the pumpkin patch, learned to drive standard, met up with CakeSpy at her book signing, carved a pumpkin for the FIRST TIME EVER and traveled to Seattle to photograph the most awesome Sarah Sovereign and her husband-to-be. I also crocheted a LOT on Saturday night. Because I’m an old lady like that. YEAH.

This is the greatest thing ever

That’s me. And that’s Baby the cockatoo. She was very amusing in her mimicking of my laughter. She also almost bit my ear off. Notice my defensive stance. Nonetheless, LOOK AT THAT WATERMELON ON THE BOTTOM RIGHT. yum. Not pictured is the delicious salmon caught fresh that very morning from the Columbia River. It had the most amazing taste. Friends gathered around, and laughed, talked and ate as the last bits of Summer sunshine rested behind the horizon.

Have a great week. How was your weekend? I immersed myself in creating new items for the shop, but came up for air for a baseball-themed date night with the gentleman and yummy pizza handmade by my friends Alyson and Levi.