Archive | Photography

Smitten with Wolf

Really, how could you not be in love with that sweet face.

Mama Alyson knows how to dress her boy. She knows Wolf needs elbow patches. What child doesn’t.

Happy New Meow!

Kitty Picard Stewart wishes you all a Happy New Year. May 2012 bless you with the most superb tachyon beams this side of Sector 001. #nerd.



I miss you, New England

I liked New England. Upon arriving in early October, the rain and fog and dreariness greeted me, reminding me of what becomes of Portland later in the Fall. Some might consider this kind of weather a damp on their plans (see what I did there?) but I found it comforting and sort of what I expected New England to be.

I stayed with my high school friends Laura and Jorge and I so enjoyed sipping on tea while we talked about geek stuff and/or watched a geeky movie and I was delighted at how their love and companionship has grown since they first dated back in 1999. As a member of a family ridden with too many broken marriages, it brings me much hope to witness couples that work so well together.


Laura and I embarked on our own little journey of searching those postcard worthy lighthouses this side of the country is so famous for. To our disappointment, the prettiest of them all, the candy cane lighthouse in Lubec, Maine was 4 hours too far for our little journey. It had been a while since I’d seen my Atlantic. I blew it a little kiss before we set out to find delicious apple pies.

In about 9 months, God willing, I’ll be reaching the end of my cross-country bike journey: Portland, Maine, which I curiously got to visit with Laura. It was very much like MY Portland and not just in name. We were short on time, so I nodded in approval, and promised this Portland a longer, more thorough, visit in the future.


New England, I shall see you again soon. Laura and Jorge, I miss you two and I shall see you again soon.




p.s. It seems I was enjoying being a tourist too much and I did not notice that I basically photographed everything right in the center of the frame. There you go.

General Blankets Picard

Mrrrreow. It’s cold in the Female Human’s apartment. I must cover up with all these warm blankets in order to plan my escape from her grasp.

After I am done with this nap, of course.

Sarah & James

Sarah and I have been online friends since…I don’t know, ancient times known as the early ’00s. We bonded over our mutual love of CSI Las Vegas’ Gil Grissom. Fate decided we needed to live only 5 hours apart, but different countries. She met “Jim Jam” a few years ago and now they will up and get “the marrieds” next August in BC. We invaded the AWESOME Seattle Center Library (because it was pouring outside- who knew?)  and took photos of their love.

I love Sarah, she is an inspiration and has been an amazing friend over the years . She is also to blame for me ruining several articles of clothing from laughing so hard at her superior comedy skills. You should visit her website because she’s also pretty darn talented.

Sarah, I can’t wait for your magical wedding of magic… and Gil Grissom. I promise he will come. Promise.

(Could you stop being so beautiful? You’re making the rest of us look bad.)

Dear New England

Dearest New England, you make love seem cozy and calm, but also as vibrant as the Ocean that breathes you life.

How was your weekend? I went to the pumpkin patch, learned to drive standard, met up with CakeSpy at her book signing, carved a pumpkin for the FIRST TIME EVER and traveled to Seattle to photograph the most awesome Sarah Sovereign and her husband-to-be. I also crocheted a LOT on Saturday night. Because I’m an old lady like that. YEAH.