Associate Cat Lady goes on an adventure

I will be taking care of that funky little cat up there for a week. His name is Tobias Fünkat. Ridicute.

I will be taking care of that funky little cat up there for a week. His name is Tobias Fünkat. Ridicute.

This is Brittany, she is my Associate Cat Lady, because she helps me a lot with Little Bright Studio and is also a fellow cat lady. Together we are the Adventurers Who Love Cats And Cocktails!

Brittany being the most adventurer of the group, she is off to a three week-long trip around Perú, with an extra stop in the Easter Islands. She’s a hard-worker and it’s very inspiring how she has downsized her life in order to afford these adventures. In less than a year, she will join an elite group of People Who Aren’t Scientists Who Have Traveled to Antarctica And Played With Penguins.

Join me in following her funny musings on life, cats and TRAVEL on her blog, Twitter and Instagram!

¡Buen viaje, Brittany!



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