Campaigning for a Kiva Zip loan

kiva zip loan, fundraising, kiva zip oregon, micro loaning, micro-loans, crowd-fundingHello friends! Oh my. AWESOME NEWS OF AWESOMENESS. The Portland chapter of the Young Woman Social Entrepreneurs is endorsing me for a Kiva Zip loan to fund my first collection of Bags For Science! HUZZAH!

This is both exciting and terrifying. SHIZ JUST GOT REAL. By campaigning for this $5000 loan by July 31st, I will be able to purchase bolts of fabrics and other materials needed to create my new bags. My favorite part is that you can be involved in my success. Kiva Zip loans work as a person-to-person lending platform, any person can contribute toward the success of an entrepreneur in need. Think of it as crowd-funding (like Kickstarter) but I am receiving a loan (that I must repay, of course).

My full profile has all the details, including a personal story that fuels my passion and a breakdown on how the funds will be spent.


Last week, I attended the Elevating Impact Summit organized by the PSU Impact Entrepreneurs. It was an invigorating experience to be surrounded by people just like me who want nothing more than to make some sort of difference in the world around us (as cliche as that sounds). It was during lunch time, when my loan went live with the help of Stasi Baranoff, who is overseeing the launch of the Kiva Zip Oregon Initiative. I squeeled and may have cried a bit. Okay, a lot. I shared the news with Andrea Bailey who originally plucked me from obscurity (not really, we’re both in the same Facebook group for the World Domination Summit) and ushered along the endorsement from YWSE! Needless to say, it was a very overwhelming, but fulfilling day! At some point throughout the day, I knew for certain this is my calling. EEEEeeeeeeeee!

I am forever grateful if you are able to share my story with your friends. You may copy the graphic above to your blog, share some graphics from my Facebook Page or you can directly tweet these messages:

Help @littlebrightpdx reach her goal of making science happen with a @kiva loan by July 31st! – Tweet this!

If you love loaning to @kiva entrepreneurs, check this one out: Bags For Science by @littlebrightpdx  –Tweet This!

Do you like microloaning, locally-made bags, science (& perhaps cats)? Then help @littlebrightpdx fund her @kiva loan! –Tweet This!

Of course, I will forever be indebted to you (ha see what I did there) if you contribute monetarily. Remember this magic link doubles your loan amount, which will allow me to reach my goal faster.

Yours in fist-pumping and pant-soiling,


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